CPQ is enrolled on the Programa IMMEX (previously know Maquila) authorized by the Secretaría de Economía which means great benefits from our customers from:
- Europe
- American Continent
- Australia
The Programa IMMEX allow us to temporarilly import your parts / components without incorring on Importation taxes and IVA taxes.
That means that w can provide you with additional savings, besides the fact that it expedites the Mexican Customs clearing of your parcels, thus accelerating our overall turn-around delivery time.
In order for you to take advantage of that and collect the benefits of this program, avoid delays and unnecessary fees, it is imperative that you follow the instructions outlined below:
Shipping Instructions to send your parts to CPQ

To avoid delays and unnecessary fees, it is imperative that you follow the instruction outlined below:
- Preferably, please send your parcels to us UPS Ground to Mexico or FedEx or
- Create a Comercial Invoice to be sent with the parcel indicating the quantity and the type of cores being sent, by part number
- For each line, enter a symbolic value of $1.00 for each B&P and $2.00 for each Hydraulic Head (DO NOT LEAVE any items with 0.00 dollars or they will be denied importation into Mexico and sent back to you!)
- At the end of the list of part numbers, please include a Note: Metal parts for remanufacturing - No commercial value.
- On the ¨Special Instructions" field, please write "IMMEX 4306-2006"
- Print and send two copies of the commercial invoice with your parcel , one inside the parcel and a second one with the Shipping Manifest.
To see a sample of a Commercial Invoice , please click here
We would appreciate if you notify us about your shipment, by sending us an e-mail with the tracking number and a copy of the commercial invoice. That would assist us to be aware of the incoming parcel and also to have all documention ready on this end.
Our e-mailing addresses are available at Contact. |